
Instructor: Frans Kaashoek (kaashoek@mit.edu)
Lecture: MW1-2.30 (3-370)
Discussion: Piazza

Grading: 10% class participation, 20% paper presentation, 30% intermediate project reports, 40% final project. There will be no exams. If it's clear you put significant effort into class discussion, the paper(s) for which you were the lead, the reports, and your project, you'll get an A.

If you'd like to take this course, please send e-mail to kaashoek@mit.edu with the two or three papers from the schedule for which you'd most like to lead discussion, and a few sentences about your relevant background and interests.


The main focus of 6.5810 is a project. A good project will build/extend a system using a new idea or explore/measure an existing widely-used system in some interesting way. The project can be related to your graduate research, as long as it overlaps with the themes in the course. Collaboration is encouraged but not required: each project can be done in groups of two or individually.

The project includes:

If you don't have project in mind, here are some ideas/directions for projects.

Paper Discussion

Most class meetings will consist of paper discussions. Everyone should read each paper and be prepared to argue about it, both about technical details and the extent to which the paper's design and ideas seem promising. Each paper discussion will be led by a student. For the paper(s) you're assigned to lead, you should come to class prepared with: